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Master of Arts (MA) in Social Policy Studies


Master of Arts (MA) in Social Policy Studies

With the introduction of the MA Social Policy Studies programme in 2008, CSPS signalled a shift from a purely research-focused organization to also building the capacity of social policy practitioners and academics. Graduates of this programme are equipped with skills for critical analysis of social policy and to design relevant social development interventions.

APPLY NOW for the 2025-2026 academic year

Visit the website of the School of Graduate Studies for admission requirements, and application instructions.

APPLY through the online portal

The submission DEADLINE for online applications is Monday, 30th June 2025 

Start date


Application deadline

Monday, June 30th 2025


Two semesters

Annual intake

2021/2022 - 5 students

2022/2023 - 5 students

2023/2024 - 5 students

2024/2025 - 8 students

Minimum entry requirement

Second-class lower or better in any discipline

Location and format

University of Ghana, Legon Campus (in-person classes)

The minimum entry requirements for MA Social Policy is a lower second-class degree or equivalent in any discipline. 

Competition for places at CSPS is high. Meeting the minimum entry requirement does not guarantee you an offer of admission; candidates must also pass an entrance examination and interview.

Find out more about post-graduate admissions here.

The MA in Social Policy is a fee-paying programme. 

Find out more about fees at the College of Humanities here.

The MA Social Policy Studies is a two-semester programme that offers a maximum of five (5) courses, both core and elective, each semester.

Lectures for all courses are delivered through slide presentations, interactive discussions and group work.


Semester 1 Core Electives
Seminar Social Mobilization and Volunteerism
Research Methods  Special Issues in Vulnerability
Human Rights and Human Development  
Public Policy Analysis  
Theoretical Perspectives in Social Policy  
Semester 2 Economics of Social Policy Child Rights and Protection
Managing Social Conflicts and Consensus Building  Decentralization and Social Policy
Social Protection in Practice  
Gender and other Social Diversity Issues  
Practical Training  


Each year, MA Social Policy students undertake a practical fieldwork exercise after selecting a relevant policy issue of interest. Students visit some districts in Ghana for data collection and analysis. The findings of the week-long fieldwork are submitted as a report for grading.

The field exercise gives students practical training in social policy-related work and prepares them to write their individual dissertations at the end of the twelve-month programme.

Interested? Contact us for more details at