Bio: George Domfe is a Development Economist and a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Social Policy Studies (CSPS) at the College of Humanities, University of Ghana, having joined the Centre in January 2014. After training as a professional teacher at Kumasi’s Wesley College between 1995 and 1998, he worked with the Ghana Education Service (GES) as a Principal Superintendent for a decade until 2008. Dr Domfe then worked with the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) at the University of Ghana from 2008 to 2010 as a Principal Research Assistant (PRA). He was a Lecturer of Economics at the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) between August, 2012 and December, 2013.
Research Focus: Poverty & Inequality; Gender; Impact assessment; Inclusive Development.
Selected Projects:
- Title: Non-monetary instrument to deter child marriage in Ghana
Duration: September 2019 to May 2020
Funded by: Copenhagen Consensus Center
Objectives: The focus of the study was to use cost benefit analysis to propose interventions to keep the girl child in school.
- Title: Research Publication on Inequalities in Ghana
Duration: May 2017 to July 2017
Position: Co-Principal Investigator
Funded by: OXFAM, Ghana
Objectives: The purpose of this project was to identify economic inequality dynamics, including the causes, drivers, consequences and policy implications that are relevant at the national and sub-national levels.
- Title: Prevalence and Impact of Child Marriage on Young Girls/Victims
Duration: July 2016 to December, 2016
Position: Researcher
Funded by: World Vision Ghana
Objective: The main tasks of the research team included: examining and documenting prevalence, root causes and impact of child marriage; identifying the most vulnerable groups susceptible to child marriage and their locations; to identify community-led actions and efforts to reduce child marriage; and also, to evaluate the legal framework on child marriage.
- Title: Rapid Assessment of the Impact of Media Placement
Duration: July to October, 2016
Position: Co-Principal Investigator
Funded by: UNICEF
Objective: To assess the impact of the placement of the video-clip and song ‘Wash Wana Hands’ in mass media in order to measure exposure, recall and behavior adoption.
- Title: Gender and Agricultural Policy in Ghana: A Systematic Analysis using FAO Gender and Agricultural Policy Assessment Tool (GAPo)
Duration: November 2014 to October, 2015
Position: Co-Principal Investigator
Funded by: FAO
Objective: The main task of the research team was to use GAPo to assess gender perspective of the existing agricultural policies, programmes and strategies in order to identify substantive gaps, policy incoherencies and areas of improvement. GAPo works best to identify the extent to which agricultural policies and programmes take cognizance of country-specific gender issues.
- Title: Gender and Enterprise Development in Africa (GENDA): A Cross-Country Study in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda
Duration: May, 2013 to October, 2015
Position: Investigator (Ghanaian Research Team)
Funded by: Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Objective: GENDA project sought to provide useful insights into the constraints faced by both men and women operating Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) in order to suggest how the constraints could be addressed
Selected Publications:
Domfe, G., Ackah C., Afutu-Kotey, R. L., & Oduro, A. D. (2017). Gender Perspectives on
Socio-economic Determinants of Ownership of Enterprise in Ghana. Journal of Economics and Policy Analysis, Vol. 2 (21).
Domfe, G., & Bortei-Doku Aryeetey, E. (2017). Gender of Household Heads, Assets and Choice of Basic Services. Ghana Social Science Journal, Vol. 14 (1): pp. 77 – 108.
Domfe, G., & Bortei-Doku Aryeetey, E. (2016). Household Composition and Well-Being of Older Persons in Ghana. Ghana Studies, Vol. 19: pp. 130 – 153.
Mohammed, I., & Domfe, G. (2016). Reducing Exclusion through Social Intervention Programme: Lessons from Implementation of MDGs in Ghana and South Africa. Ghana Social Science Journal, Vol. 13 (2): pp. 74 – 95.
Osei, R. D., Ackah, C., Domfe, G., & Danquah, M. (2017). Political Settlements and Structural Change: Why Growth has not been transfromational in Ghana. In Pritchett, L., Kunal, S., & Werker, E. (eds.), Deals and Development: The Political Dynamics of Growth Episodes (pp. 159-182). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
De-Graft Aikins, A., Alidu, S., Bortei-Doku Aryeetey, E., Domfe, G., & Armah, R. (2017). The Scope and Limits of Ghana's Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty Programme. In Awortwi, N., & Remi Aiyede, E. (eds.), Politics, Public Policy and Social Protection in Africa (pp. 45 – 63). London: Routledge.
Osei R. D & Domfe G. (2016). Prospects of Economic Development in Ghana. In FES & ISSER (eds). Ghanaian Panel on Economic Development Report (pp 1 – 22). Accra. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Bortei-Doku Aryeetey, E. B., & Domfe G. (2015). Scaling up and Sustaining Gender Inclusion through the MDGs in Ghana: MDG-C1. In Aworti N & Musahara H (eds.), Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals: Progresses and Challenges in Some African Countries (pp. 163-192), Addis Ababa: OSSREA
McGadney, B.F. & Domfe, G. (2014). An Application of North American Model of Pedagogical Practice in a Ghanaian Social Work Classroom. A Critical Reflection. In Sottie C. A, Dako-Gyeke M. & Walls R. J. (eds.), Social Work in a Changing World: Issues and Prospects (pp 11-28), Accra: Woeli Publishing Services
Ackah C., Domfe G. & Torgbe M. (2014). Which Firm Pay Bribes in Ghana and Why? In Quartey P, Aryeetey E.B., & Ackah, C. (eds.) (2014), Domestic Resource Mobilization for Inclusive Development (pp 338 – 367). Accra: Sub-Saharan Africa Publishers
Osei R. D & Domfe G. (2014). Macroeconomic Implications of Oil Booms: Lessons for Ghana. In Aryeetey E., Osei R. D & Quartey, P. (eds). Managing Ghana’s Oil Boom for Structural Transformation (pp 75-94). Accra: Sub-Saharan Africa Publishers
Professional and Community Service:
- Member of the Advisory Committee on Non-formal Education at Immanuel Society, Airport East Circuit of the Methodist Church of Ghana
- Member of the Leaders Meeting, Immanuel Society, Airport East Circuit of the Methodist Church of Ghana (Society’s Statistical Officer)
- Chairman of the Accra North Diocesan Advisory Committee on Planning, Research and Growth of the Methodist Church of Ghana
- Member of the Standing Committee, Northern Accra Diocese, Methodist Church of Ghana
- President of the Greater Accra Old Students of Bechem PRESEC
- Member of Canadian Economics Association [since 2011]
- Member of Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) from 1998 to 2008
Member of University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) [since 2012]