Funders/Partners: Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD), Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP), World Bank
Duration: May - June 2024
Description: CSPS was commissioned to conduct a beneficiary satisfaction survey for three of the six components of the Ghana Productive Safety Net Project (GPSNP)2: Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP), Labour Intensive Public Work (LIPW) and Productive Inclusion (PI). This involved engaging beneficiaries and their household members to assess their overall satisfaction with their programme; their knowledge and use of the different modes of payment and grievance redress; and the strengths and weaknesses of the programmes
The national survey was designed, carried out in and the report delivered between May and June 2024. The survey covered 4,279 beneficiaries in 16 regions of the country.
Outcomes: to be updated
Partners: University of Ghana (UG) and the Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment (CAPSI)
Funder: The MasterCard Foundation
Duration: 25 to 26 March 2024
Team: Dr. George Domfe, Mr. Pius Enam Hadzide, Dr Emmanuel Kumi
Objective: The project focuses on all young people in their different identities and how they engage the nonprofit sector or are engaged by the nonprofit sector in Ghana and Africa in general. In doing so, it contributes to addressing the knowledge gap on the lack of data and information on the nonprofit sector’s economic contribution towards dignified and fulfilling work for African youths.
Description: A Regional Youth Convening in Accra from 25 to 26 March 2024 brought together 50 young people from Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Morocco Nigeria and Senegal. The convening was part of a joint project involving CSPS and institutions from 19 countries on the contributions of the non-profit sector to African economies. Mr. Pius Enam Hadzide, the Chief Executive Officer of the National Youth Authority, gave a presentation on youth and employment in Ghana and there were panel discussions on the non-profit sector’s contribution to dignified and fulfilling work. Additionally, the research instrument for the research study was also reviewed by the youth participants.
Outcomes: to be updated
Funder/Partner: UNICEF
Duration: 2021-present
Description: CSPS developed a 9-module curriculum CSPS in partnership with UNICEF and with input from international and national experts and practitioners. The centre organized has, between 2022 and 2023, organized training workshop on Child Rights Monitoring for 85 regional and district directors and investigators of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ).
Outcome: Participants consistently affirm the relevance of the training for their day-to-day work.
Funder/Partner: UNICEF
Duration: 23 to 27 October 2023
Team: Dr. Ernestina Korleki Dankyi, Dr. Stephen Afranie of CSPS and Dr. Peace Mamle Tetteh
Description: CSPS organised a training workshop on Child Rights Monitoring for 28 regional and district directors and investigators of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) in the Ashanti Region, from 23 to 27 October 2023. The 9-module curriculum was developed by Dr. Ernestina Korleki Dankyi, Dr. Stephen Afranie of CSPS and Dr. Peace Mamle Tetteh of the Sociology Department, with inputs from international and national experts and practitioners.
Outcome: This is the third in a series of workshops for CHRAJ, which has trained more than 85 CHRAJ officials. Participants consistently affirm the relevance of the training for their day-to-day work.
Funder/Partner: The World Bank
Duration: 2022-2023
Researchers: Prof. Nana Akua Anyidoho, Dr Ernestina Dankyi, Dr Stephen Afranie and Dr. Doris Boateng
Objectives: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the limitations of Ghana’s strategies and systems to protect its citizens from shocks, especially the poor, women and other socio-economically disadvantaged groups. In this sense, the pandemic made more urgent the need to develop a more effective social protection shock response system that is inclusive and gender-responsive. This study is, therefore, a contribution to the endeavour to review and recommend improvements to the Government of Ghana’s (GoG) social protection shock response systems and strategies.
Description: In the process of adapting existing systems to address the global pandemic, many lessons have been learned that can be applied to improving the effectiveness and inclusiveness of national structures to deal with future crises. This report documents and draws lessons from the government’s response to shocks and emergencies in order to develop a framework for a shock adaptive social protection system that describes the roles of key actor and their interrelationships as well as the needed legislations, policies and other frameworks to support their work.
Findings: to be updated
Outcomes: to be updated
Funder/partner: UNICEF
Duration: 2020-2023
Description: CSPS partnered with UNICEF Ghana to conduct two research studies on children with functional disabilities (CWFDs): one to assess the essential services available to this group of children at district levels and the second to determine the extent to which the District Assembly Common Fund was disbursed to cover CWFDs.
Subsequently, CSPS—collaborating with UNICEF and NDPC—organised capacity-building workshops in the Northern, Volta and Eastern Regions, first to share the findings of the report with officials at the district and regional levels and also to generate policy options for addressing the challenges the report identified.
The workshops were attended by 127 officials from the Regional Coordinating Councils, Social Welfare and Community Departments and Planning Units, as well as members of the Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled.
Ouctome: CSPS also provided the research evidence basis for a UNICEF roundtable in Accra on “Breaking Barriers, Building Inclusion: A Discussion on Equity for Children with Disabilities” in June 2023.
Funder/partner: STAR Ghana Foundation
Duration: 2022-2023
Description: Based on desk review and limited data collection, CSPS reviewed the content, coverage and impacts of the Government of Ghana’s response to COVID-19 across the health, education and livelihoods sectors. CSPS adopted STAR Ghana Foundation’s gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) framework, which allows for an analysis of the extent to which there is equality of opportunities for women and girls, men and boys, and persons with disability (PWD). The framework was used to assess whether, both in design and consequence, the government’s response COVID-19 conforms to principles of gender equality and social inclusion.
Findings: to be updated
Funder/Partner: European Union under the Ghana Employment and Social Protection (GESP) Programme
Duration: 2022
Description: CSPS designed a training programme to equip faculty, staff and associates of training institutions under the Ghana Employment and Social Protection Programme with the knowledge and skills to assess vulnerability, collect and analyze relevant data, and monitor interventions.
Outcome: It equipped participants to be able to train district assembly representatives and staff to undertake data collection and analysis in fulfilment of their mandates.
Funders/ Partners: UNICEF and NDPC
Duration: 2020 - 2022
Description: Together with stakeholders, UNICEF proposed a new measure of district-level development from datasets that align with SDGs and intends to rank districts in Ghana. The analysis for the DLT for 2020 is currently being undertaken by a consultant collaborating with UNICEF and NDPC. The District League Table for Child-Responsive Inclusive Development, which considers children’s policy outcomes, will help assess how Ghana is developing and identify Districts that need greater support.
Objectives: The overarching aim of this project was to prepare a report based on an analysis of SG indicators and other related data on children's inclusive development and learning outcomes at the district level to help to track the level of child development across districts and progress over time. The project’s outcome is intended to ensure that the Government at the MDA and MMDA levels have information on inter- and intra-district disparities and inequalities, especially those relating to children.
Methodology: The approach combined various indicators related to child development and learning outcomes at the district level to provide a concrete measure or indicator of child development. This involved the selection of appropriate indicators aligned to indicators from the Sustainable Development Goals on health, nutrition, learning and development, child protection, water and sanitation, and social protection, with a special focus on child-specific SDG indicators.
Findings: to be updated
Outcomes: to be updated
Funder/ Partner: UNICEF
Duration: July - Dec 2021
Description: The inclusion of vulnerable and disadvantaged children particularly children with disabilities is one of UNICEF's top priorities. Beyond the importance that the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) give to this issue, UNICEF worked with its partners for the social inclusion of children with disabilities in development policies and programmes and the exercise of their right to participate and develop their potential.
Objectives: The main objective of the study was to assess the current gaps in access to essential services for children with disabilities, both monetary and non-monetary, to advocate for social policy improving the situations/conditions for CWDs taking account into all functional areas of the disabilities (hearing, seeing, walking, cognitive ability, etc.) as defined by the Washington Group and UNICEF.
Methodology: The MICS survey database was used to rank the different types of child functioning. The MICS helped assess the access to essential services (monetary and non-monetary) for the disabilities of children with respect to the dimensions. For example, the outcome of learning can be caused by a seeing impairment. All dimensions affecting the learning outcome can be estimated throughout the MICS data. To overcome the disabilities, it will be possible to estimate the cost of these impairments.
Findings: to be updated
Outcomes: to be updated
Funded by:
Duration: May 2021 (three weeks)
Objectives: This course provided training on the concept and application of children’s rights within the Ghanaian context, the conventions that support the promotion of these rights in the day-to-day work with/for children, and the tools required for effective monitoring and evaluation of policies, programmes and other interventions that promote child rights.
Target: The course was targeted towards professionals who work with and for children in both the public and private sector; professionals who are involved in the defense of children’s rights; and professionals working in the area of children’s rights. This included staff of Ministries Department Agencies, (MDAs) Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBO) and other civil society organizations (CSOs).
Outcomes: to be updated
Funded by:
Description: Ghana has a relatively young population which puts young people and adolescents at the heart of population development dynamics. Young people (10-24 years) constitute over 30% of the total population of the country (GSS 2012) whereas adolescents are estimated to be 5.5 million (Population and Housing Census 2010). The youth bulge has been identified as both an opportunity to foster Ghana’s development and potentially also a challenge for the country if adolescents and young people are not supported by appropriate policies and services.
Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the adequacy of the government’s funding of adolescent reproductive health (ARH), determine the current financing gap, explore the scope of specific financing options (including innovative financing options) and recommend actions to unlock additional financing that can contribute to improved ARH outcomes.
Methodology: The study used secondary data and adopt a quantitative approach to assess the fiscal space for Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) in Ghana. The budget decomposition approach was employed to quantitatively estimate the availability and potential of fiscal space for the ARH in Ghana. Alternative measures to generate more revenues to provide fiscal space for the ARH with quantitative estimates and scenarios were analyzed.
Findings: to be updated
Outcomes: to be updated
Funded by: Mastercard Foundation
Duration: June 2021- present
Researchers: Prof. Nana Akua Anyidoho and Prof. Akosua Darkwah
Description: Women in Ghana have a long history of participation in the economy as workers and owners of enterprises. Therefore, the nature of Ghanaian women’s work, including the extent to which it is empowering, has long been of interest to researchers. With the increasing digitization of work, and more so in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, questions about the content and impact of women’s work have gained more urgency. These questions underpin a study on young women’s experiences of platform work in Ghana, in partnership with Caribou Digital and with financial support from the Mastercard Foundation.
Findings: to be updated
"Researching gender and platform livelihoods in Ghana" -- Akosua Darkwah & Nana Akua Anyidoho
"How can we make platform livelihoods better for young women, especially during and after covid-19"
Funded by: UNICEF
Duration: February 2020 – August 2020
Researchers: Dr. Charles Ackah; Dr. Kwadwo Opoku; Stephen Kwadwo Antwi
Objective: Since Ghana embarked on reforms to improve the public financial management (PFM) system, especially in the country’s budget system, various governments have struggled to implement budget to plan. This has often resulted in expenditure overruns and reallocations of budgeted expenditure among different budgeted components at variance with budgets. This study explored the credibility of Ghana’s budget towards attaining proposed fiscal outcomes with the aim of understanding areas of serious concern and providing specific recommendations to strengthen the credibility of budgets in Ghana.
Findings: The analysis of the study indicated positive deviations of aggregate expenditure outturn—government overspent its budgeted expenditure, measured by an average variance, by 8.7 per cent per year over the last decade. On the other hand, aggregate revenues experienced a shortfall of 23 per cent in 2018. The variances between budgeted aggregate revenue and aggregate revenue outturns are largely attributed to forecasting errors and possibly political overrides to the estimates provided by the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), which is the central tax revenue agency. The study recommended the following:
- The Government of Ghana should strengthen PFM instruments and link medium-term policies to budgeting.
- The government should develop accurate revenue and expenditure forecasts based on realistic assumptions to minimise deviations.
- While deviations in forecast revenue and expenditure cannot be perfectly predicted, the government must be explicit about the extent of the deviation and explain why and how they happened to improve budget transparency and credibility.
Outcomes: Training Workshop to Budget Staff of Ministry of Finance
Funded by: UNICEF
Duration: February 2019 – October 2019
Researchers: Prof. Charles Ackah, Prof. Philip Duku-Osei, Dr. George Domfe, Dr. Aba Obrumah Crentsil, Dr. Kwadwo Opoku, Derek Asuman
Objective: Inclusive growth and improved standards of living for all Ghanaians can only be achieved through the equitable distribution of resources across the nation. The transfer of funds from central to local governments through the District Assembly Common Fund (DACF) is a key policy instrument meant to ensure equitable distribution of national resources across Ghana. However, inequities and disparities in the lives of residents of different parts of Ghana show that this goal is yet to be achieved. The study examined the key issues in the current DACF formula that result in the inequitable distribution of resources to Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs).
Findings: Three key issues were identified in the application of the DACF formula, namely: the absence of a poverty indicator that would transfer more resources to less resourced MMDAs, the unanticipated large effect of district-level population sizes on allocation of resources to MMDAs and the informal modification of MMDA allocations. To address these problems and ensure equitable distribution of resources to local governments in Ghana, this report proposes a new formula that takes district poverty levels into consideration, reduces the effective weight of the population factor in distributing resources through elimination of the population density factor and lessening the weight of the relative population size.
The recommended formula will be weighted 62/38 in terms of need versus the poverty indicator for distribution of the DACF among MMDAs, as it transfers a higher share of DACF to poorer districts and is therefore pro-poor compared to other alternative proposals. The study also recommended timely and appropriate disbursement of funding to ensure MMDAs receive sufficient resources to implement projects and programmes planned and delivered at local level. Finally, this study recommended changing the percentage of total revenue allocated to DACF from the minimum 5 percent to the previous 7.5 percent (applicable from 2008 to 2016) to improve the finances of MMDAs to ensure effective provision of services, infrastructure, and poverty reduction interventions.
Outcomes: Uptake of recommendations by UNICEF and Cabinet
Funded by: Office of Research, Innovation and Development (ORID), University of Ghana
Duration: March 2015 - February 2016
Research Team: Dr. George Domfe, Prof. Ellen Bortei-Doku Aryeetey and Dr. Ralph Nii Armah
Description: The few empirical studies that exist on older persons in Ghana show that they are vulnerable to poverty and vulnerability, but it is unclear what combination of factors contribute to this situation. The Centre for Social Policy Studies undertook a study to first understand and then to inform policy on the well-being of the elderly in Ghana. The main objective of the study was to identify factors that affect the general well-being of the older persons through an analysis of their livelihoods.
Findings: The study found that changes in household composition in the last two decades has had a negative impact on their well-being. In terms of livelihoods, it was found that the proportion of older persons involved in farming has declined over the years because of urbanization and changes in the methods of farming. Moreover, a considerable proportion of older persons were involved in community affairs, especially in the organisation rites of passage and festivals. T
- A workshop was held at the University of Ghana on 25th February 2016 to present the findings of the study to the members of academia, practitioners, researchers, students and invited older persons.
- A journal article ‘Household composition and well-being of older persons in Ghana’ has been accepted for publication in the Ghana Studies Journal.
- A technical paper, titled: ‘The changing trend of the living circumstances of older persons in Ghana’ is currently going through review processes to be published as a CSPS Technical Paper.
- CSPS is currently putting together plans to undertake an exclusive national survey on older persons in Ghana.
Funded by: World Vision Ghana
Duration: July 2016 - December 2016
Researchers: Prof. Abena D. Oduro, Dr. Stephen Afranie, Dr. George Domfe, Dr. Antoinette Tsiboe-Darko, D. Ernestina Dankyi and Dr. Sylvia Djan
Description: Child marriage is nationally and internationally recognised as a violation of girls’ human rights and a hindrance to development. In Ghana it is estimated that about 25% of the girls aged between 20 and 24 years married before they were 18 years old. The main objectives of this research was to examine and document the prevalence and causes of child marriage; identify factors predicting vulnerability to child marriage; examine the impact of child marriage on the girls and women who were child brides (with a focus on issues of domestic violence and maternal health); examine the sexual and reproductive rights of child brides and their access to sexual and reproductive health services; identify and assess community-led actions to reduce child marriage; and evaluate the legal framework on child marriage.
Funded by: UNICEF Ghana
Duration: July 2016-October 2016
Researchers: Dr Stephen Afranie (PI); Dr George Domfe; Dr Antoinette Tsiboe-Darko; Dr Ernestina Dankyi
Objectives: UNICEF Ghana’s contributions to national efforts to reduce the threat of Ebola and cholera in Ghana included developing appropriate audio-visual communication materials for social mobilisers to carry out targeted activities for sustained change in the individual and community behaviour. One such material was a video-clip/song, ‘Wash Wana Hands’, featuring well-known Ghanaian artistes, as well as key prevention messages on cholera and Ebola focusing on hand washing. The Centre for Social Policy Studies was contracted to use a mixed method approach (combination of quantitative and qualitative methods) through triangulation design to investigate the impact of the media placement. The study assessed the impact of the media placement of the video clip and song “Wash Wana Hands” in the mass media to measure exposure, recall and behaviour adoption.
Outcomes: UNICEF shared the findings with the Ghana Health Service and the Ghana Education Service and disseminated the findings internally within UNICEF to demonstrate the necessity implement a monitoring and evaluation system assessing impact of mass media placement.