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Stephen Afranie, PhD
Associate Professor of Social Protection and Social Development
Contact Info
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Sociology, University of Ghana, 2010
Master of Philosophy (M. Phil.) Sociology, University of Ghana, 1999
Bachelor of Arts (B. A. Hons.) Sociology with Political Science, University of Ghana, 1994

Bio: Prof. Stephen Afranie holds a PhD in Sociology and is currently an Associate Professor of social protection and social development and a senior lecturer at the Centre for Social Policy Studies. He taught at the Department of Sociology of same university (teaching Industrial Sociology, Introduction to Social Anthropology and Sociology, Rural Sociology and Poverty and Rural Development) for fourteen years before he was formally transferred to CSPS in the 2016/2017 academic year. He is a former Deputy Director of CSPS serving from December 2011 to July 2013.

Research areas/ areas of specialisation:  

  • Poverty and rural development
  • Social protection (children, youth, aged)
  • Chieftaincy and development
  • Sociology of work, management and industrial relations


Selected Projects

1. Title: AGRA Baseline Survey in Ghana

Funded by:  Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

Year: 2016

Objective: Baseline survey on growers of maize, cassava, rice and soybean, four staple crops grown in AGRA focus area, for interventions to i) improve access to farm inputs, ii) reducing high post-harvest losses, through the introduction of post-harvest management technologies, to increase farmer income and welfare; iii) decentralising product marketing and processing of agricultural products, and iv) improve access to finance in the sector. The overall goal of the assignment was to design and conduct baseline surveys to establish the current levels of key performance indicators related to AGRA’s new strategy in the intervention regions (that is, Northern and Brong Ahafo) in Ghana, analyse the data on various outcome indicators to inform AGRA’s management and partners on the reference situation in the intervention areas.


2. Title: A poverty diagnostics of the West Gonja District of Ghana

Funded by:  Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

Year: 2013

Objective: A diagnostic study aimed at assisting the Programmatic Regional Initiative (PRI) of FAO’s Strategic Objective on rural poverty reduction (SO3) in cassava growing communities in West Gonja District of the Northern Region. The overall goal of the diagnostics was to identify key dimensions and socio-economic patterns of rural poverty, as well as major constraints and opportunities facing the rural poor through qualitative assessments which combined group interviews / focus group discussions; visual tools such diagramming/mapping exercises; ranking and scoring activities; and key informant interviews as the main tools for data collection.


3. Title:  Investigating saving and its effects among youth in the YouthSave Ghana Experiment.

Funded by: YouthSave

Year:  2014

Objective: The Ghana YouthSave experiment examined the impacts of savings on a range of youth development outcomes. Qualitative evaluation design, through in-depth case study research approach was used to examine the qualitative impacts of savings on the youth under the YouthSave experiment agenda on the youth.  The evaluation captured the experiences and perceptions of savings among the youth and the contextual factors that shape such experiences.


4. Title: Qualitative impact evaluation of the LEAP programme in Ghana

Funded by:   UNICEF;

Year:  2013

Objective: The study was to improve the qualitative in-depth understanding of the causal path that explains the impact of the LEAP programme. The team used the comparative cross-case design and mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) tools to identify and explain the mechanisms or the causal path that leads to household behaviour change in relation to choices made in food consumption and distribution, education of children, health seeking and HIV/AIDS, investments, child labour, and domestic power relations.


5. Title: Non-State Actors and Accountable Social Protection in Child Rights and Livelihoods in Wassa, Ghana

Funded by: Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR)

Year: 2014

Objective: The project aimed at enhancing the understanding of the operations of NSAs in the Western Region of Ghana, with special reference to those involved in child protection and livelihood strengthening services in the Wassa area. The team employed case study design using a multi-method research approach to identify NSAs operating in the area and examined the architecture, governance and accountability structures and practices of NSAs who are into child protection and livelihood services. The design included a mapping of NSAs operating in the study area, a survey of sampled NSAs from the mapping exercise, a survey of beneficiaries of sampled NSAs, in-depth interviews with leaders of selected NSAs and their partner organisations and focus group discussions with beneficiaries of selected NSAs in the study area.


6. Title: Assessment of Effects of Media Placement on the Youth in Three Urban Cities in Ghana

Funded by: UNICEF-Ghana

Year: 2016-17

Objective: To assess the impact of the placement of the video-clip and song ‘Wash Wana Hands’ in mass media in order to measure exposure, recall and behaviour adoption.


Selected Publications

Adjibolosoo SV, Ofori BD, Adongo PB, Afranie S, Yirenya-Tawiah DR (2020) The influence of culture on open defecation in some basic schools in selected districts in Ghana: A preliminary study. PLoS ONE 15(10): e0239491.

Boateng, K. and Afranie S (2020a). Chieftaincy: An Anachronistic Institution within a Democratic Dispensation? The Case of a Traditional Political System in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Development StudiesVol. 17 (1) pp. 25-47

Boateng, K. and Afranie S (2020b). All Hands on Deck: The Process and Activities of Collaboration between Chiefs and Local Government Authorities in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 17 (1) pp 92-113

Afranie, S. Gyan, E.S. Tseboe-Darko, A. (2019). Child Marriage in Ghana: Who Cares? Ghana Social Science Journal Vol.16 No.2 pp19-45

Adjibolosoo, S.V.K. Philip B. Adongo, P. B., Tawiah-Yirenya, D. Ofori, B. D. Afranie, S (2018). Knowledge and perception of pupils on health and environmental risk of open defaecation: A case study in the first cycle schools in Eastern and Volta regions of Ghana. Journal of Environment and Earth Science. Vol.8, No.11.

Afari-Asiedu, S. Asante, K.P. Senah, K. Abdulai, M.A. Afranie, S. Mahama, E. Anane, E.A. Abukari, M. Darko, M.L. Febir, L.G. Owusu-Agyei, S. (2018). Volunteering for Health Services in the Middle Part of Ghana: In Whose Interest? International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2018, x(x), pp. 1–11

Aryeetey, E. B. Afranie, S. Andoh, P. Doh, D. Andoh, P. (2018). Governance of non-state social protection services in Ghana: communication as an accountability mechanism in mutual aid organizations in Wassa. In Awortwi, N. and Walter-Drop, G. (eds.), Non-State Social Protection Actors and Services in Africa: Governance Below the State.). New York: Routledge: pp. 44-54

Adjibolosoo, S.V.K.  Adongo, P.B.  Tawiah-Yirenya, D.  Ofori, B.D. and Afranie, S (2017). Behavioural factors that influence open defaecation among first cycle school pupils in the Eastern and Volta regions of Ghana. International Journal of Current Research In Biology and Medicine. Volume 2, Issue 9

Afranie, S. (2017). Child rights and protection in Ghanaian society. in Contemporary Social Policy Issues in Ghana. (pp 83-95). Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers

Andoh, K.P. Doh, D. and Afranie, S. (2017). Non-state actors and social protection at the grassroots. in Contemporary Social Policy Issues in Ghana. (pp 110-126). Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers

Boateng, K. Afranie, S. Amoah, S.K. (2016). Social mobilisation in the midst of social change: The case of traditional authorities in Ghana. Journal of Educational and Social Research- MCSER Publishing Vol. 6 No.2, pp. 103-112.

Amoah, S. K. and Afranie, S. (2015). The relational orientation of the African and performance management practices in selected institutions in Ghana Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 87-96

Ansong, D. Ansong, E. K. Ampomah, A. O. Afranie S. (2015). A spatio-temporal analysis of academic performance at the Basic Education Certificate Examination in Ghana. Applied Geography 65 (2015) 1-12 -(2015 Elsevier Ltd)

Afranie, S. and Domfe, G. (2014). Ghana Human Security. In Ghana Social Development Outlook (pp199-218). Accra: ISSER Social Division Publications

Amoah, S. K. and Afranie, S. (2014). Socio-cultural factors and bureaucratic practices in universities in Ghana. Journal of Arts and Humanities (JAH), Volume -3, No.-5, pp. 10-24 

Doh, D. Afranie, S. and Aryeetey, E.B. (2014). Expanding social protection delivery opportunities for older people: A case for strengthening traditional family system and community structures. Ghana Social Science Journal, Vol. 11 number 1)

Afranie, S. and Togoh, G. (2013). Analysis of household size, structure and composition of Ghana. In National Analytical Report for 2010 Population and Housing Census of Ghana (pp.68-93). Accra: Ghana Statistical Service

Afranie, S. Boafo, I.M. and Asante, K.O. (2012). The Epileptic Patient may be pardoned … but for AIDS you should know: HIV/AIDS, stigma, discrimination and biographical disruption. Gender and Behaviour Vol.10, No.1 pp.5485-4603

Andoh, P.K. Antwi-Bosiako, T. and Afranie, S. (2012). Motivation and career aspirations of female students studying science at Achimota School, Accra, Ghana. Education Research and Review Vol. 7(19), pp. 401-409

Afranie, S. (2011). Persistence of poverty in rural Ghana: Culture of poverty perspective. Deutschland: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller GmbH and Co.KG and Licensors.

Afranie, S. (2005). Social and ethical challenges of HIV/AIDS. In Ghana Human Development Report (2004, pp 63-81). Accra: UNDP &UNFPA.


Technical Reports/Working Papers

Doh, D. Andoh, P. Afranie, S. Aryeetey, E. B. (2016). Non-state actors and accountable social protection in child protection and livelihood in Wassa, Ghana. PASGR working paper 011. DOI: 10.13140/RG.22.16688.97281

Aryeetey, E. B. Afranie, S. Andoh, P. Doh, D. and Antwi-Bosiako, T. (2012). Where should we stay? Exploring the options of caring for orphans and vulnerable children in Ghana. CSPS Technical Paper No. 1/12.

Aryeetey, E. B. Afranie, S. Andoh, P. Doh, D., Antwi-Bosiako, T. Amponsah-Nketia, E. and Darko-Gyeke, M. (2011). Telling the untold story: A study on the situation of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Ghana. Report submitted to the Department of Social Welfare, Sponsored by UNICEF Ghana office (UNICEF Publication)

Eduful, P. Kyei-Gyamfi, S. Ayisi, A. F. and Afranie, S. (2005). Children’s involvement in cocoa farming practices in Ghana. Accra: MOWAC.

Appiah, E.N and Afranie, S.  (2000). Report on Infringement on the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS in Ghana. Accra: UNAIDS & UNICEF.


Forthcoming Publications

Imurana, M. and Afranie, S. An Assessment of Ghana’s COVID-19 Shock-Responsive Social Protection Interventions

Imurana, M. and Afranie, S. Human Capital Externalities in Ghana: Exploratory Evidence from The East Legon Neighbourhood of Accra City

Afranie, S. and Imurana, M. Social Protection Schemes for Children in Ghana

Boateng, K. and Afranie S Capacity Development Approaches for Chiefs and Local Government Authorities in Ghana: The Case of the Royal Acadamy
