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  • CSPS Seminar: Arresting the depreciation of the cedi

    The phrase “arresting the depreciation of Ghana Cedi” became popular among political pundits during the period between 2013 and 2016 when the cedi experienced persistent depreciation and became a talking point in the run-off to the general elections. Between 2016 and 2021, the Cedi’s performance improved.  However, in the last quarter of the year 2022, the Cedi was judged by Bloomberg to be the worst-performing currency among Africa’s top currencies. This reignited the old conversation on the volatility of our currency.

  • CSPS seminar: How do farmers make decisions to sell farmland?

    The presentation unpacks the complex decision-making processes amongst cocoa farmers who are giving away their farmlands for mining concessions in Southwestern Ghana. The study is premised on a qualitative research design involving primarily cocoa farmers, small-scale miners, and mining financiers. The discussion focuses on how and why state policies, land tenure, inheritance systems, and the decreasing value of cocoa relative to gold, influence farmers’ decisions to sacrifice the generational benefits of their farmlands for immediate wealth gains.

  • Report on women's platform livelihoods published!

    "Digital platforms are changing how individuals around the world find and do work, and how small enterprises and farmers connect with markets. What are the experiences of individual workers and sellers as their livelihoods change? And what are the opportunities for digital development?"

    These questions motivated research done by CSPS (co-led by Prof. Nana Akua Anyidoho and Prof. Akosua Darkwah) which is now available


  • CSPS Trains CHRAJ Officers on Child Rights Monitoring

    The Centre for Social Policy Studies (CSPS) at the College of Humanities has organised a training workshop on Child Rights Monitoring for the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ). The workshop was held in Tamale from 27th to 29th September 2022 for officers in the northern sector (Northern, North East, Savannah, Upper East and Upper West Regions).

  • CSPS seminar: What is the role of ideas in the policy process.

    To close out the seminars for the 2021-2022 academic year, Prof. Daniel Beland delivered an insightful presentation on the place and movement of ideas in domestic and global policies.